The workshop is jointly supported by the CNRS (through the GDR 3720 “Policy Analytics” network) and the NSF (through the “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+” project) and is co-organized by the LAMSADE (UniversitÈ Paris Dauphine) and the DIMACS (Rutgers University).

For more information visit the Citizen Science Tab


Monday 14/12/2015 Room A709

12.00 – Participants Arrival

12.30 – Lunch, Espace 7, same floor

14.00 – Welcome Adress, Sandra Laugier, CNRS

14.15 – Citizen Science in Policy Analytics, Alexis Tsoukiàs, LAMSADE

14.45 – Ways to Make Citizen Science Projects more Collaborative, and Ultimately the Data more Reliable, Midge Cozzens, DIMACS, Rutgers University

15.30 – Coffee Break

15.45 – Soft Data and Public Policy. Twitter Data for ESPON Policy Makers, Marta Severo, GERIICO, Université de Lille and Amel Feredj, UMS Riate

16.30 – Engaging citizens to Ecosystems Management : lessons learnt from the TESS project Jason Papathanassiou, University of Macedonia

17.15 – Integrated participatory modeling using the CoOPLAaGE toolkit, Nils Ferrand, IRSTEA Montpellier (Géraldine Abrami, Emeline Hassenforder, Wanda Aquae-Gaudi)

18.00 – End of day 1.

Tuesday 15/12/2015 Room A709

09.00 – Science for and by society” : interdisciplinarity as a resource for a better understanding of actual innovation, Sandra Laugier, CNRS, Mission pour l’interdisciplinarité.

09.45 – Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing, and Constructivist Pedagogy : why Citizen Science should replace undergraduate laboratories, John Jungck, University of Delaware

10.30 – Coffee Break

10.45 – Including citizens in the design of Smart Cities – Needs, results and challenges of interdisciplinarity. Hervé Rivano, INRIA Lyon

11.30 – Data and Citizen Science, Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University

12.15 – Lunch, Espace 7, same floor

14.00 – Direct democracy in a polarized society : storable votes, Jean-François Laslier, PSE, École Normale Supérieure

14.30 – Collaborative Decision Making Process : A flexible, preferences based methodology, Pascale Zaraté, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier

15.00 – Information sharing to face threats in renewable resources management : lessons from case studies, Nicolas Paget, IRSTEA Montpellier and LAMSADE

15.30 – Coffee Break

16.00 – Citizen Science in the Classroom : a mutualistic relationship, David Black, Groton School

16.30 – Controversy of public policy analytics in terms of risks prevention : the case of air pollution. Myriam Merad, INERIS

17.00 – A multi-criteria decision analysis as an innovative approach to managing Lyme disease. Jean-Philippe Waaub, GERAD and UQAM